Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Photoshop CS4 Tutorial: Basic Editing You Should Learn

Before you will be able to learn about the complicated part in photo editing, you should keep in mind first of the basics. Everything you do will start with the basic steps that is why Photoshop CS4 tutorial is one of the best in photo editing because the basic fundamentals is really easy to follow. Editing a photo with Adobe Photoshop is just like creating an art through drawing with the use of multiple pages, brushes and shapes. If you can imagine yourself creating an art with the use of multiple pages you will find it easy to follow this tutorial.

First part would be about the use of the layers. Pretend that layers are pages of a notebook. The front page will be the one visible to your eyes so whatever you put in the front page that will be the one visible. In this Photoshop CS4 tutorial, if you want to put something in the page behind the front page you should erase some parts of the front page so that the next page would be visible. To do that in making an art by the use of multiple pages, tear some part of the front page so the design in the next page would appear.

Second part is understanding the use of brushes, pencil and other features. Now that you know the use of layers it’s time to design. You can create different designs by the use of brushes, eraser tool and other tools. To be comfortable using is, you can start by experimenting using the different tools.

Third part is to learn from the different styles you can see in this blog. If you get comfortable with the different tools and with this Photoshop CS4 tutorial you will be able to have your own style of designing a photo. Just remember that the top layer will overlay the rest of the other layers so that you won’t be surprised that your design doesn’t appear sometimes. You can also open other images or photos and drag it in another layer which is the easiest type of designing. So just remember about the layers and experimenting on different tools and that will lead you into discovering other things you can do with Adobe Photoshop.

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